Our boat comes in

October 15th, 2006 at 6:02 pm by james

the container ship in Table Bay

That’s it towards the left in the middle, we think. We drove up Signal Hill to watch it sail in this morning carrying the greatest part of our worldly possessions.

I have added pictures – thanks to Ben’s timely prompting. Five new albums in the gallery.

4 Responses to “Our boat comes in”

  1. Anne Says:

    Thanks for all the lovely photos in the gallery!!

  2. Mel Says:

    Thanks for brightening up my otherwise unspectacularly grey English day with these stunning shots!
    Lovely to see M wearing her colours (that teal t-shirt is fab, dahling!). James seems to be quite camera shy – hopefully this does not mean that he has gone over to the dark side and is wearing pastels?!

    Very envious of you guys and missing you!

  3. Ben Says:

    Thanks for the wonderful pics. It’s especially nice to see the kids with Mom at Kirstenbosch. Nice to think how so many generations have played under those trees.

  4. Mark Says:

    I simply Cannot imagine why you would want to ditch the dreary grey British scenery for all that green grass and blue sky, it just cannot be safe!! Glad things are all coming together for you, James I have a problem with a Mancunian accent and I’m working in Sheffield, so I’m not sure that it’s a sign of any malaise…

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