I’m lovin’ it

August 10th, 2005 at 9:51 pm by james

Josie knows the McDonalds jingle. She must have been watching grown-up tele at a friend’s house because I’m sure junk food companies don’t target two-year-olds.

Nobody knows kids’ real capability like retail marketeers. This evidence from My Friend Tim:
Dad: Thank you for playing so nicely with Nathan today Cameron.
Cameron: (emerging into full alertness from repose on couch) What did you buy me?

Thinking of trying to keep a straight face, I was spared a trip to the dentist today by illness (on the part of the dentist). I wonder if he’s married to an Ofsted Inspector … . They were good enough to leave voicemail so I didn’t make it all the way home. In fact I only made it as far as Pret, where I picked up lunch and then went back to the office. So, unexpectedly, I’m halfway through yesterday’s Great Big Actions List. What will I do tomorrow? The aniticipation presses against my ribs like a firework on the verge of bursting. Or perhaps that’s my dinner.

Sophie has become a bit wary of her big sister’s attentions, preferring today to shout the odds before being smothered rather than grinning and waiting to see whether it’s any better this time. Maybe it’ll rub off on Josie, who I can’t help feeling would be better off shouting the odds sometimes rather than being perpetually cheerful. Well, except when she’s teething of course. Or has a cold. Or wants Weetabix, not Rice Crispies. Or hasn’t quite finished with her bath. Or … hmmm … well, I’ve written it now, might as well leave it.

One Response to “I’m lovin’ it”

  1. gill adlard Says:

    Do you remember me saying, ‘Just you wait until Peter gets a bit bigger, then he’ll get his own back”? But it never happened, you became great friends instead. So there’s hope for Jo and Sophie.

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