5 weeks

October 13th, 2008 at 9:21 am by james

Never a dull moment. Daytime. Night-time. Anytime.

I wouldn’t trade being a father-of-girls for anything. Michelle and I were laughing yesterday about the number of people who have commiserated or said to her, “Oh your poor husband” on hearing that we’d had another girl. Now there’s a wonderful cultural anachronism still alive and well.

Emily is thriving. She’s been smiling and making eye contact in the last week. The two big girls are as full of life as ever. Josie is sleeping in a tent each night at the moment. Sophie is developing a gratifying love for books and both girls are producing masterpieces of fine art every five minutes or so – MGW has a magnificent collection of implements for little girls to use to make pictures.

So life rocks on in this Adlard household.

One Response to “5 weeks”

  1. Ben Says:

    Glad all is well

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