Something obscene

August 3rd, 2005 at 9:32 pm by james

There is something obscene about the way a train will stop and stuff even more passengers in while inside the heat and the stench of close-packed bodies slowly reduces everyone to a parody of their normal selves just in time for work.

On Monday trains were running to a reduced timetable and terminating at Kentish Town (overhead line problems). The train was absolutely jammed full of people but two extra stops were added en route – the fact that only three people could actually fight their way into the coach at those stops making it abundantly clear that the Fat Controller had no idea how full the train was. Cries of, “Move down, please! (I desperately want to squeeze onto this train and spend half an hour with your fat sweaty belly pressed against my back).” I finally bailed out at West Hampstead when a couple of hundred people looked determined to get on. I don’t like getting to work sweaty, but I won’t tolerate getting to work wet with someone elses sweat (perhaps I’d feel different if Michelle commuted). It took me fifteen minutes just to get off the platform on Monday because of overcrowding.

Today wasn’t much better. Do you think anyone will actually visit in 2012? Perhaps we’ll have to impose Mugabe-esque press controls for the years leading up to the Olympics. Probably wouldn’t work any better for us than it has for him. Perhaps Mugabe-esque population controls. We could just lock up everyone who usually commutes so only visitors get to use the facilities. That might work …

The Three are fast asleep; one’s teething, one’s in the middle of a growth spurt and the other is just plain knackered. Sohie laughed today for the first time. Michelle blew air against her face and, after an initial sharp intake of breath, she laughed for several minutes. From Michelle’s recreation of events I believe she laughs a bit like a spaced-out sea lion.

The doctor has assured us that a rash around Josie’s mouth is just a backlash from the cream he recommended last month to get rid of what he was sure was a fungal rash around her mouth. IT DIDN’T WORK. THAT’S WHY WE BROUGHT HER BACK. He says to take her back in two weeks if it hasn’t gone. Might as well make the appointment now. Oh wait … you can only make appointments on the day.

Josie’s enjoying drawing. When I have time to put some more pics up (soon), I’ll put some of hers up too.

2 Responses to “Something obscene”

  1. Alex Says:

    you commute, your going to have put up with problems. im sure everyone was thinking what you were thinking. you were also part of the problem. just make the best of a bad situation

  2. james Says:

    I was not part of the problem; the problem was that Thameslink was unable to run a service that was good enough to cope with the number of passengers who rely on their service to get to work every day. The best I can make of that situation is to whinge about it afterwards. And, of course, claim compensation.

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